7. Apply understanding of the changes to coagulation, including testing and monitoring therapeutic management, in the following special situations: |
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7.1 Liver disease
7.2 Autoimmune diseases that impact on thrombosis and hemostasis (e.g. Lupus Anticoagulants, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)
7.3 Trauma-associated coagulopathies and massive transfusions
7.4 HIT (4 T-score, screening and confirmations tests)
7.5 Pregnancy (during the pregnancy and postpartum)
7.6 / 7.7: Neonates / Pediatrics
7.8 Cancer and hematology malignancies
7.9 Thrombotic microangiopathies
7.10 Inflammation, infection-associated coagulopathies, disseminated intravascular coagulation
7.11 Acquired coagulopathies including heart valve disease, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation or acquired specific factor inhibitors (e.g. Anti-FVIII antibodies)
7.12 Perioperative management of thrombotic and hemostatic disorders
7.13 Renal disorders
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